Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Market Wants Me Dead

I have not had this many consecutive losses in years. This is the worst my screens have ever done. Today I was down another 1.57%. I have not had a positive day since August 2nd. Things look kind of bleak.

On the bright side, I'm still up over 25% while the S&P has just gone negative for the year. I couldn't have achieved that if I hadn't managed risk during the last 4 weeks. So I see that as a positive change in my trading.

I have never traded in a market like this and it has thrown me for quite a loop. I was pretty sure things would recover this week, and so far I've been quite wrong. All I can say to everybody is hang in there. If things do recover, there might be some amazing opportunities out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zweig Screen Performance
3rd Quarter 1998:

July: -8.9%
August: -24.2%
September: 21.3%

Things could still get much worse before we get hacked as bad as they did in '98.
