Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cramer Meltdown

A few of you have directed me to the video of Jim Cramer's rant on the Federal Reserve's blindness to the struggles of the current market. CNBC has since posted a clarification of his comments on their website here.

I think people took his emotionalism a little too seriously. In his second interview he presented his case a little more rationally.

Although I'm not sure if this is the time to be buying stocks, I don't think that we need to blindly sell all of our holdings either. It won't be more than a few weeks (maybe months--who knows?) until our screens are "working" again and we're back to making money.

Let me stress again the importance of managing your trades. Despite my disappointment in some of my trading decisions, I've only lost 2.5% in the last two weeks. No big deal. The world is not over.

The advantage we have as individual traders is that we don't have to go with the flow. We can maneuver in and out the market pretty much at will. So use that huge advantage to make the most of these uncertain times.

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