Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It doesn't look good

I made a decision to put some money to work on Monday. I should have waited, but I was feeling pretty good about the immediate future and I think my decision was sound. Things just haven't panned out the way I had thought they would yet.

I lost 1.80% today and .50% yesterday. I can't remember the last time I was on this kind of losing streak. As long as I am following my plan, there's no reason to freak and feel bad about my performance. No one has this thing figured out despite the many claims to the contrary. Losing money is all part of the game and the best traders are the ones who don't let it get to them.

I like to track the performance of other folks to benchmark mine. Two newsletters that I look at every week are StockSuperstars and The Prudent Speculator. They both post their YTD performance and it is my goal each week to stay ahead of them.

There are bright guys and gals managing these portfolios, so if you're keeping up with them you should give yourself a pat on the back. Both of them are struggling right now, so it gives me a good indication that things are tough all over right now.

I look to a few guys for their take on what's happening each day. Both Charles Kirk and Pradeep Bonde are on vacation now and their posting has been erratic. It makes me realize how much I read their stuff every day.

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