Friday, May 11, 2007

Week in Review 5-6-2007

I'd have to say it was a pretty good week for the portfolio--+3.94%. I am now $453 away from my financial goals for the year. I did a pretty good job combining my screens and averaging out a gain. My best screen did 6.42% and the worst did -2.72%. I now have a screen leader amongst my varied strategies. It has made 152.89% since October of 2005 which is 50% above my next best screen.

I don't have any idea what my screens will do in a bear market, so I'm a little nervous about blindly following the highest performer over the last year and a half. I've got more data for the big picture, but my specific way of using the information is relatively new.

I recently developed a new screen that shows some promise. I only have data dating back to October of 2006, but the screen has grown 167.20% in less than a year. I'm planning to wait until October of 2007 before I discuss the specifics of that screen (it is really very simple).


Scott said...

My best screen involves buying the 5 highest relative strength stocks in the AAII Zweig screen each week.

What's yours?

Anonymous said...

Hi Scot,

Did you calculate how many companies pass your Punk's Zweig & Zacks #1 screen on average?