Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Carl Futia has an interesting take on the recent jibber jabber being expressed because of the market's all time highs and winning streaks. It's called No Punch at This Party.

I like to read both size of the story because it gives me a better perspective and calms me down a bit. I think this element of fear is what keeps so many people from thinking they can do well in the market. Even when things are looking good there's always the idea that things are "too good" and a crash or major correction is coming.

That's what makes it nice to be a little guy in this giant market. It doesn't make a lick of difference what I do with my money. Nobody is going to bat an eye if I jump in or out of the market and that gives me a huge advantage over the big boys with their billions of dollars. If things go south, I can be back in cash in about a second. Try doing that with a billion bucks.

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