Friday, January 25, 2008

Week In Review 1-25-08

That was one of the craziest weeks that I've experienced so far. Chaos ruled, and it was very difficult to figure out which way things would end up. I ended up a piddly .30% for the week. My screens did much better than that.

Maybe I was overly cautious, but I'm glad I didn't put the whole portfolio to work. This is a different environment than I am used to, and I don't really feel comfortable trading in it yet. Next week will give us more clues to where we are headed short term.

In the mean time, I'm going to try and get my bearings and figure out a game plan for this difficult market. There are so many opposing viewpoints that make it incredibly difficult to make good decisions. My plan is to try and stay focused on what has worked for me during difficult times in the past.

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