Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Evil Kid Brother

My brother Mitch and I are in a constant battle for notoriety. Every time he comes over, he Googles his name just to rub it in my face that he can produce more hits than my name can. He easily wins that game--the only "Scott Carl" that shows up on Google is some lyric writer.

Now he's gone and done it again by appearing on the front page of the Omaha World Herald--with a color photo none-the-less. He's a punk. Here's the online version of the article.

I called him this morning and he said that it was one of his new year's resolutions to get on the front page of our paper. Two days in to the year and he's done, he bragged.

Honestly, I'm very proud of him and his accomplishments, and I've benefited from his expertise during our scuba trips together. He deserves the acclaim.

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