Sunday, June 1, 2008

This Week With StockPunk

I hand in my comprehensive exams tomorrow (I'm still working on them), so I should be able to post more often after that--not that anyone really missed me.

AAII's Zweig screen only has 9 candidates this week. The screen had a fantastic week last week and is doing much better than my portfolio is.

The screen had no Zack's #1 candidates this week. This has been a rough year for Zack's rank. Last year the Zweig screen was averaging 5 a week. This year it has barely been one a week. Interesting.

I show 3 stocks with bullish MACDs this week.

There are a couple of Zweig stocks with interesting chart patterns. AEHR has set up a long pendant pattern. It will be interesting to see where it breaks out.

I've asked AAII permission to list the results of the Zweig screen each week. So far I haven't heard back from them.


Scott said...

I let them know that I would only list the top 5 in relative strength for the Zweig screen. I let them know how StockPunk has been kind of a sounding board for those interested in AAII screens. I'm sure it would only create interest for AAII, but you may be right about their unwillingness for me to share information (even though Keelix does it every week).

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott,

I appreciate your wanting to post those results, but I would probably advise against it. Too much of a good thing could skew the results. meaning, you've mentioned before that your readership has been up and that you show up prevalently in Google with the right search. If too many people start to piggy back what you are doing it can mess with the results, don't you think? And before you say your readership is too small for that too happen, I would point out that I've seen small sites take off when their success is phenomenal, which yours have been through the screens the past few years.

Just my two cents. :-)

Anonymous said...


Have you considered any other of the Zack's predefined screens? I know that you've been analyzing at stocks that align with Zweig and Zacks #1 ranked stocks. I don't currently have Research Wizard, but Zack's promotes other predefined screens and seems to have a pretty good track record. Have you researched other Zacks screens to track/invest in? If so, I'd love to hear your feedback?


Scott said...


Thanks for your 2 cents. I've thought about skewing the results as well. AAII hasn't written me back yet, so I'm guessing that it's a no-go anyway.

However, I doubt that there too many traders out there that could stick to a mechanical system using screening. Most people are done with their first lost. It took me a few years to convince myself that a mechanical trading system could work, and I still struggle with sticking to the plan!

Scott said...


I've looked at many of the Zacks predefined screens but not in depth. Many of them look really good and I love what the Zacks website provides. If anybody out there has been following a particular Zacks screen for a while, let StockPunk readers know!!

Anonymous said...

I hate GHM. I say that because I've lost money on it due to stop outs twice in the past 5 weeks. But, after selling it it rebounds all the way back and then some. I like the stops I've used: 10% the first time, 2* the ATR the second time. But, now I'm thinking it's just a buy and hold strategy. If it's a buy according to ZACKS #1 or because it is a top 5 RS I figure it's just a hold until it's not.
I'm doing a bad job of following this system too. I should have bought AEHR this week...I didn't because Scottrade wouldn't let me without a live I said..forget it.'s up over 7% at the moment today.
So, had I bought GHM and AEHR I'd be having a great week so far...instead I'm down for the week...the system works...the system works....follow the system......

Anonymous said...

sorry, just realized I went anonymous on that last post about the system!

Matt said...

How about using a smaller position size with no stop?