Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm growing tired of watching the indexes self destruct as the news continues to emphasize what's wrong with everything. Now when people find out I trade, they 0ffer their sympathies.

Despite the drop today, my portfolio held together pretty well. I lost less than the indexes (.89%) which isn't much to brag about, but I'm certainly much better off today being down half of what the indexes are than I was in mid-March where I was down more than double what they were.

I trying to learn how to read the broader market while attempting to understand patterns in individual stocks. I continue to learn from Corey at Afraid to Trade through his tutoring service and I have been very pleased with what I've learned and what Corey offers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once in a while flip through this:

There are massive headwinds for the broad economy and financials still which is going to be reflected in the indices. This weekly doc shows some things I've never seen such as Aaa Corp bond yield above the Prime rate. You can still find unique trading opportunities in any market, but as Zweig writes in his book when in a bear market, just try to keep you money since it is much easier to make gains in a bull market.