Friday, March 14, 2008

Week in Review 3-14-2008

What in the world is going on? Today was just nuts. I can't remember a time when I felt this confused during the day.

I lost .01% this week. I'll take it, but I got beat by all my screens except the MACD. My best performing screen was To The Moon at 5.41%. BVN was the best performer with a 10.74% return this week.

I don't like To The Moon because it forces me to rely on data from Zacks Research Wizard. I'm not planning on renewing (unless the offer me a better deal) so come summer I won't have access to the screens I've created with it. I almost wish that it sucked all the time. It still is lagging YTD so I guess that helps.

The screen that continues to rock in this nasty market is the Zweig and Zacks #1. Remember, it didn't pick any stocks during January. I would love to have even a piece of its performance for this year. WFR was the best performer at 9.36%.

I have even less a feel for the market this now than I did at the beginning of the week. I'm at 75% cash now, and plan to much more patient in these coming weeks for a genuine change for the better in this market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BSC has been vaporized at $2 per share--blood is running in the streets. Trade your screens. It's all we know and it's all we can do. I'll be 100% long by the close on Monday.