Monday, March 24, 2008

A day I can feel good about

Yeah, sure I was dragged along by the broader market, but I still feel pretty good about today. I avoided chasing any stocks, I didn't "over-think", I set my stops and stuck to them, and I used my system in the way it was designed. Up 1.72% on 50% invested.


Anonymous said...


Right there with you today. 1.752% for the day. But for the first time in weeks I didn't find myself watching the market all day. I actually went out at 10:00 after making my buys for the day. Looked in when I got back. Hit the gym at 3:00. It was great not to be stressing like I have been when I was shorting and day trading.
NGS was a nice surprise today!

Scott said...


You're a trader after my own heart. Hopefully, you learn more quickly than I do. I was surprised by NGS as well. It has been a dog lately. I wish it would have held the highs, but maybe we'll see more gains this week.

Anonymous said...

I sold NGS Friday, so please stop talking about it. ;>

Nick M. said...

Good job, Scott!

Anonymous said...


Amazing what 24 hours can do. Yesterday I follow the mechanical, I read too much (that's what I get for being on vacation!) on the blogs. Decided to hedge my longs with some shorts. That's not too bad, but the problem is I sold my NGS and WATG to buy the shorts. WATG was lagging....doh! Ended up nicely for the day. I'd have booked a nice profit on it had I not sold. Still learning to keep my hands off the system!

Anonymous...that should make you feel better about your NGS sale Friday. :-)