Sunday, December 23, 2007

One goal met . . .

The Prudent Speculator is one of the stock newsletters that I've followed for a few years. They have a very "Buffetish" take on the market and do very well year to year holding their stocks an average of five years. I've often considered using their recommendations for my long term portfolio.

Usually, they post their performance on a weekly basis, but since September it has been a lot more sporadic. I haven't seen an explanation, but I assume it might be because things haven't gone very well this year.

Here is their last performance chart that was posted nearly a month ago.

One of my goals this year was to beat the Prudent Speculator's return this year. It appears that I've done that and that is swell. In the next couple of weeks, I plan to detail all of my goals for this year and discuss what I accomplished and what I didn't.

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