Friday, June 1, 2007

What This Week Taught Me

I shouldn't have purchased KRSL and held on as long as I did. I missed part of the huge sell off a couple of weeks ago and thought because it still qualified on one of my screens that there was still opportunity there. There wasn't, and it has been my experience that after one of my stocks drops that much, I need to leave it alone and move on. I've seen very few come back from a 30% sell off and I should have applied that knowledge instead of mindlessly following my screens.

I should have held on to PCP. It hasn't left my screens and my stop was too tight and triggered last week. That kept me out of about 5% of gains.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KRSL's May 15 earnings announcement was major problem. Your screen should have taken that into consideration. If KRSL had been a Zack's stock its Zacks rank would have dropped like a rock and that would have gotten you out.