Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Not too shabby

I debated about going all in today and I haven't had much time to monitor things, but I'm pretty happy with my decision making so far. The portfolio was up 2.81%.

I've got myself spread out a little more than usual. I own 10 stocks when my average is 5. With things as volatile as they have been, I figured it might behoove me to broaden my stops a bit. Wider stops might have helped me in August (see my previous post for some reasoning).

I'm checking out another stock service this month. As I learn more and become more comfortable with my style of trading, I like to go back and review things that have piqued my curiosity in the past. I'll let you know about my experience in more detail next month.


Nick M. said...

Scott, nice going with your gain! The last few weeks have been rather hectic and very detrimental to a trader’s confidence. Gains such as these help restore ones confidence and self-efficacy. It’s nice to see you getting back into the positive swing of things. Keep it up!

-Nick (ambitionsasatrader)

Scott said...

Thanks Nick. It seems like every stock you mention goes up 30%! Do you have some direct line into the market?

I encourage you to post your gains. I'm sure they'd make mine look like chump change.

Nick M. said...


I wish it was that easy. In reality, for every stock that I pick that moves up 30%, I may a big handful of stocks that I had to sell for a loss. Its all about keeping your losses small and managable and holding and adding onto your top performing stocks. As far as posting gains are concerned, I have thought about it and may begin sharing this information with readers in the near term future. As of now, I am still working on my strategy (trying to refine it) so my performance is all over the place (up, as well as down).
I am also impressed by how well SILC has acted during the last few days. The chart pattern on SILC is a winner. There were very few stocks that were able to shake off todays decline and I'm sure glad that SILC was one of them!

-Nick (ambitionsasatrader)

Scott said...
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