Friday, September 14, 2007

Week In Review 9-14-2007

This was kind of a dull week for me. The portfolio drifted back and forth but really made no big advances either way. I made a tad over 1% this week, which I guess is better than losing.

Next week looks to be the most interesting out of the month of September, although I think next week's decisions have already been built into this week's prices. We'll see.

Pradeep over at Stockbee has a new members-only area. I joined a few seconds after he put up a "Join" button. The suggested cost is $50. I paid more because I think the information he provides saves me that much worth of time each week. I would encourage anyone who like to trade to join. It's money well-spent. Quit being so dang cheap.


Anonymous said...

Hey StockPunk,

What does Stockbee offer in his members-only area?

Scott said...

It's only been a couple of days but so far I've noticed a few things:
--A look into his trades
--A narrower focus on stock picks
--Formulas for finding big moves
--Formulas for monitoring the market
--Daily Market Monitor
--Q&A from readers