Monday, April 30, 2007

I Screen, You Screen, Kirk Screens

Charles Kirk has just released his "Stock Screening Machine" for members. Yet another reason to divvy up some cash and get over to his members only website. I've had a look, and the whole concept looks very promising.

As a trader, I really think screening stocks is the only way to stay ahead of the game. There is no possible way to go through 8,000 stocks, look over the numbers, do the calculations, and come up with a watch list. I wouldn't know how to do that without a computer anyway.

What is cool is that the folks who screen stocks are really on the cutting edge of a new way to look at the market. Just a few years ago, stock screening was virtually impossible. The amount of data alone was too much for a computer to handle. It would have taken hours if not days to download the data (which wasn't available anyway). It would have taken hours to crunch the numbers (my laptop does it in less than 15 seconds). And it would have cost way too much to trade on an ongoing basis (thank you discount brokers).

Computers and the internet give guys like me a tremendous advantage over folks who traded even just a few years ago. Take advantage of the tools that are out there. You'll be glad you did.

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