Boy, that's ugly. GRMN appeared on my To The Moon screen on Monday and promptly dropped like a brick. I don't own it.
I've noticed a pull-back in a lot of recent big gainers this week. That may be a healthy sign of rationality.
China stocks are lighting up one of my momentum screens like a Christmas tree. I'm not taking the bait, but you could probably make some quick profitable trades if you don't hang around too long.
I'm letting a couple of trades settle until the end of the week. I've got some pretty tight triggers set on the rest of my portfolio--nothing above 5%--so we'll see how the rest of this week pans out.
Bootcamp in New Jersey
North Brunswick (Feb 2025)
- Price: Non-Members price $1000 (members price$750) (cancellation fee
- Date: February 28—March 2, 2025
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
This reminded me of you. 20 years ago, I remember you saying you never used the snooze button on your alarm. You said you just hit the "time set" buttons instead so that you would be confused about what time it was & would have to get up.
Check this out:
The Procrastinator's Clock
The Procrastinator's Clock is guaranteed to be up to 15 minutes fast. However, it also speeds up and slows down in an unpredictable manner so you can’t be sure how fast it really is. Furthermore, the clock is guaranteed to not be slow. So what will motivate you to be on time if you use this clock? FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and DOUBT! Use of this clock shows that, although your friends have created a separate timetable just to accommodate your legacy of tardiness, you really care about being on time. By assuming that the clock might actually be telling the correct time, you'll hopefully assume that that afternoon meeting is sooner than you thought and get back to work. Hopefully.
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