Monday, November 3, 2008

Month in Review -- October 2008

Despite the record breaking downturn in October, I was able to survive the month with an 8.81R gain. Ironically, the last week of October was my worst. I was up nearly 15R for the month going into last week. I got too cocky and started trading for quick gains and got my clock cleaned with a 4.16R loss for the week.

I have some time to reflect over the weekend, and I know what mistakes I made. It takes me a long time to learn from my mistakes, but hopefully I won't be taking the same stupid emotional trades that I took last week.

My stats for October:

Win percentage: 41.18%
Number of trades: 65
Number of days traded: 21
Average number of trades per day: 3.1
Average win/loss per day in "R"=.42

I've noticed that my average win/loss per day in "R" has been declining each month. I only traded 11 days in August and averaged 2.12 R each day I traded. I think I was sticking to my system better in August. The same goes for September.

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