Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still Busy

Man, the stock market is such a distraction when I'm trying to get these tests done. I didn't look much today, and that was a good thing because I lost half a percent. It was good to see some strength return to the market. We'll see how all this shakes out, but now I'll be happy to get out of May in the green.

Corey at Afraid to Trade has an interesting article about selling in May and going away (as the saying goes). Several StockPunk readers have been discussing the idea as well.

Corey has been teaching me some technical analysis stuff along with some market indicator stuff. I think it is important to continue to learn, and when guys like Corey offer their services for dirt cheap, I can't help but try to learn from the masters. I've noticed another master trader, Van K. Tharp, charges upwards of $100,000 for one-on-one tutoring. Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His charts show that if the Alligator's smiling, stay in. If the Alligator is frowning, stay out. If mixed, better to stay out than in.

The Alligator (visualize a long mouth with a tongue) is the fast, med and slow moving averages. When all positively sloped in fast>med>slow stay in. When all neg slope and slow>med>fast, stay out. This is one way of following the trend, but what it gives up in timeliness some argue you get back in reliability.