Thursday, May 22, 2008

A kick in my buttocks

Genius on Monday morning, idiot today. I was up 13% for the month of May on Monday morning. At today's close I am barely holding on to 4%. What a mess.

This always seems to happen to me when I hit a new high. I know the market does its thing without any care about my piddly contributions, but sometimes it sure seems like it does.

I'll use this as another learning opportunity. I thought I was pretty bullet proof this month as I only had one losing day until this week. I was making way more than I needed to trade for a living, and I got a bit cocky. I was even contemplating upping my risk substantially to take advantage of my new found genius. This is all good for me, because it will help me make better decisions in the future (hopefully).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for turning me on to the Kirk Report. The interview with Harry Domash today is outstanding!

I started reading Zweig's book last weekend and next on the list is O'Neill's.

How are the exams going? Done?

Scott said...


Kirk shares an enormous amount of information every day. I've learned so much from him and I feel all empty inside when he doesn't post.

I'll have to admit that I haven't made it all the way through Zweig's book. I read it a few years ago, so maybe I'll go back and give it another go.

I've got 10 days left of exams. I can't wait to have them done. What a relief that will be--although I did much better when I was too busy to monitor the market.